For the re-installment of Seep at Crude exhibition, a new model of Tehran museum of contemporary art is built in 2018, substituting the previous model made in 2012.
For the re-installment of Seep at Crude exhibition, a new model of Tehran museum of contemporary art is built in 2018, substituting the previous model made in 2012.
Seep, Sloping Corridors and Ramp - Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, 2018
Aluminium, brass, polycarbonate, and paint
The museum model is built by the Studio Emile Estourgie.
Seep reinstallment, installation view Crude, Art Jameel, 2018-2019
Seep reinstallment, installation view, Crude, Art Jameel, 2018-2019
Seep reinstallment, installation view, Crude, Art Jameel, 2018-2019